Reading the article, I was surprised it wasn't really about Biology since this IS a Biology class, but I liked what I was learning. One of the main points that the article made was that just because you don't know what you want to do in life, doesn't mean you're out of luck, you just need to do your research and discover a job that you will love. Also, go into a profession that will give you more options. For example study math so you can do pretty much anything! But, study something that you enjoy! If you don't enjoy the subject that you're studying or the profession you're entering, you won't do well at your job. Don't limit yourself. The article also talked about premature optimization, meaning that the saying "you can do anything you want" is not necessarily true. For example a 5 foot person wanting to play in the NBA, it's not likely. But, just because you don't want premature optimization doesn't mean you should become demoralized. Don't think you can't do anything that other people are doing. Always try for what you want.
The article also talked about the difference between adults and teens. Adults do have a job to make money, but so do most teens. Adults are more than likely to take responsibility for themselves unlike most teens these days who blame other people. Although adults are at a job everyday, the article talked about treating school as your job. It basically is your job except you don't get paid. I learned that I have to try my best in school since it's my main responsibility right now, even though it's not my only responsibility. Most high school juniors and seniors(especially me) are always thinking about what we can do to get into college. But the article talked about not designing your life around trying to get into college, which is something I need to work on. Some college somewhere will accept you even if you fail all of your classes so there shouldn't be any stress. Now this isn't an excuse to fail all of your classes, but it should show some relief for those who are stressing. Another topic was the difference between prep schools and public schools. Prep schools shouldn't make a difference because the only difference is that the kids at prep school just have more money, not more skills. Yet, colleges still are likely to choose kids from prep schools.
Another thing the article discussed was that children and teens need motivation to carry out their dreams. Obviously having the dream itself should be enough motivation but sometimes it doesn't work that way. I think I need to stop focusing so much on what I need to accomplish to get into college and focus more on enjoying my childhood. I do need to remain focused on school, but my entire life doesn't need to be centered around improving my college application. (:
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